Your AI Assistant for building logistics integrations

Build any custom or standard integration to WMS, TMS, ERP or any other supply chain system faster and cheaper than ever before - powered by AI.
Unnbound operational dashboard
faster than traditional development
cheaper than traditional projects
coding skills required
Key features

AI support for every step

AI powered data mapping

Automate the alignment of complex supply chain data structures with AI-driven precision, reducing errors and speeding up integration setup.

AI powered data extraction

Harness AI to extract critical supply chain data from any format or system, turning fragmented inputs into actionable assets.

AI powered data transformation

Leverage AI to transform raw supply chain data into compatible formats, streamlining integration and enhancing data usability.

AI powered data transmission

Enable seamless and secure real-time data transmission across supply chain networks with AI-optimized workflows.
Trusted by
Use Cases

Integrate with any supply chain system


any other ...


any other ...


any other ...

Retail EDI

any other ...

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our Unnbound AI Assistant.
Which data formats and protocols does Unnbound support?
Our AI Assistant supports any common format or protocol. Example formats: JSON, EDIFACT, X12, XML, CSV, IDoc. Example protocols: SOAP or REST API, EDI, FTP or SFTP
How long does it take to build a custom integration with the Unnbound AI Assistant?
Weeks and often days instead of months. Our AI Assistant automates large parts of the integration development. In combination with your expertise about your individual processes, a few days are enough.
Can I build integrations myself, even without technical skills?
Absolutely, the Unnbound AI Assistant is built for non-technical users. You can interact with the Assistant in natural language.
How long does it take to get started with the Unnbound AI Assistant?
You can start right away. Our Assistant is fully cloud-based and our team is supporting you closely on your first integration project - free of charge.
How does billing work?
We only charge a monthly software-as-a-service fee in a tier based on your integration needs. No more implementation or transaction fees. Reach out to get your custom plan today.
How to get started

Start building today

Tell us what system you want to integrate

Let us know your integration goals, and we’ll show you how our AI Assistant can accelerate the process and reduce manual effort.

Get onboarded by our team

Leverage the hands-on support by our experts to quickly start building faster integrations.

Build your first integration

Use our AI Assistant to design and implement your initial supply chain integration within days, not months.

Test and go live

Validate your integration with ease, then launch confidently with automated, AI-driven monitoring.
Contact us

Reach out to our team

Portrait picture of the founder of Unnbound
Heinrich Brunhöber
6+ years of experience in supply chain technology
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